Monday, December 31, 2012

Manic(ure) Monday!!

It's that time of the week again!! And this week you're getting a double dose of Manic!!!

Let's get down to business.  (I can't say or type that without thinking about Mulan.). Manicure #1 is on myself.
Happy New Year!!!  I just did a simple manicure with Silver and Wet 'n Wild Party of Five Glitters.  I really like the glitter but you have to kind of place it.  It's not a simple brush on and you're done kind of thing.  But overall this look is simple but keeps up with the NYE festivities.

Manicure #2 was done as a joke but since its Monday, I HAD to share!
Yes, those are man hands.  And he wanted racing stripes on his fingers.

I hope everyone has a fantastic New Years Eve!!  I'm sitting at home with my hubs and a friend and we're sipping on champagne and beer and watching movies.  This is seriously the best kind of night.  

Best wishes to you all and welcome 2013!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stay tuned.

I know it has been a few days since my last post but hang in there friends.  I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm just about positive you'll be a little impressed with at least one of them. 

As you've noticed, I have a theme for my Monday posts, Manic(ure) Monday, but I want at least one or two more dedicated theme days.  It'll help me with blog topics and give you all something to look forward to.  If you have any ideas for me please let me know.  Here's what I have come up with so far- Tipsy Tuesday, Wasted Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, F'd up Friday, Shit-faced Saturday, and of course Sunday Funday.   None of those are set in stone yet though.

For now though, I just want to say thank you so much for reading my blog.  Or at least for hitting the refresh button on your Internet machine so my view count goes up.  YOU ROCK!  

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Manicure Wednesday?

Woah, hey there!!!   How has the internet been treating you?  I found more funny cat pictures but I'll save them for a rainy day.

I realized today that I forgot about Manic(ure) Monday!  I am soo deeply sorry... Jk, I'm not sorry.  

So to play catch up, it's now Manic(ure) Wednesday.  Deal with it.

This weeks look was inspired by the Christmas tree.  It didn't quite turn out how I had pictured it but I still got a lot of compliments.

I started with the green which is called Happy Ending by Sinful Colors then made colored dots as my "ornaments".  I then put on a coat of glitter because all Christmas trees have glitter, at least mine does, then I used my Sally Hansen nail art pen in Pearly White to make my "lights".  

There ya have it folks!  

I got a few new nail polishes that I'm pretty stoked to try out including a Sally Hansen Gem Crush called Be-Jeweled.  It's basically a purple super glitter.  I have good ideas for that one. 

Now, on to regularly scheduled programming- how was everyone's Christmas?  Mine was pretty fantastic.  I got to spend time with almost all of my family and that's what is really important.  I have a fantastic family that I married into and they kind of spoiled me this year.  Some items I got- a new blender (like the magic bullet ones that do single serve in a to-go cup), a Vera Bradley bag and matching coin purse, and an iPad!! (and I happen to be writing to you today from it!)

 I have plans to make some smoothies and then blog about my experiences.  Tonight was my first try and I failed miserably.  Too much Almond Milk.  Way too much.  I'll figure it out...

So that's all I have for tonight.  I just busted out the electric blanket (LOVE!!!) and now I'm going to play some Angry Birds.  


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve!

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  

Jokes on you!!!

While you are all sitting there watching the NORAD Santa tracker like a hawk, I was making magic.

Aaron and I as Christmas Elves!!!!  Calm yo selves!  I know it's an amazing spectacle but you can only watch it so many times before it gets creepy.  I like creepy though so get on with your bad selves!!!  

Merry Christmas my fine internet creeps friends.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ramblings of a crazy lady.

What's up party people?!?!  Aahh, sweet Friday, we meet again.  And it's a four day weekend for me!  HOLLA!!!  Obviously, I'm pretty pumped up right about now.  Our Christmas celebrations start on Sunday with the "big family" dinner and then continue through Christmas day.  A full three days of festivities!  My will power to stick to my diet is going in to over-drive starting, NOW!  I just bought so much chocolate.  Ghiradelli Chocolate to be exact, and that stuff is hard to stay away from!!

I just want to take a quick second to give a shout out to and their one month free trial of Prime.  If you love online shopping and free TWO DAY shipping, sign yourself up!!!  And if you want to upgrade to next day shipping it's only $3.99!!!  WHAT?!?!   The downside is that it cost's $79 a year.  I suppose if you do a lot of online shopping the savings in shipping can add up pretty quick though.  They also offer other perks but honestly, I don't care about none of that.  Just gimme my free shipping!!!

I just finished reading The Help.  It was... ok.  I didn't think it lived up to the hype.  I am still definitely going to watch the movie though because Emma Stone is one of my two favorite Emma's EVER!  (Emma Watson is the other, duh.)

Speaking of Emma Watson, I suppose I should read Perks of Being a Wallflower soon.  

I am all over the place tonight, sorry about that.  Actually, no.  I'm not.  It's truly the excitement of the holidays that is showing right now.  I feel like that Miley Cyrus song "Can't be Tamed".  Damnit, don't stop reading now that I talked about Miley, it most likely won't happen again.  

And now, to end let's watch the latest Jenna Marbles video together.  

So festive and awkward.  Love it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cat pictures always win.

I unfortunately do not have anything new to talk about with you all so I figured I'd show some funny cat pictures. I know if I were a regular reader, I wouldn't be even the least bit upset about this.

There you have it folks, welcome to the internet.

p.s. I found all of these pictures using google image search.  Don't sue me for not citing my sources.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Manic(ure) Monday

Welcome to my weekly installment of Manic(ure) Monday.  During tonight's program I will showcase my most recent manicure and give a quick overview as to how I accomplished it.  In last week's post I promised I would get a little fancier, and I did.  Just keep in mind that this week's "fancy" is all my own.  I didn't have a friend here to help me out. 

And there it is!  I used Sinful Colors again, as usual.  The coral type color is called Hazard and the blue is Savage.   I wouldn't normally pair these two colors together but it turned out awesome.  Quick instructions to get this look:  First I did a coat of Sally Hansen Double Duty base and top coat.  Then I did two coats of color.  Once the was dry it was time for the dots.  Do you remember a few manicure posts back with the confetti nails?  Well I used that same stick to make my dots.  If you don't remember or didn't read it (shame, shame) I took a wooden cuticle pusher with the pointed end on one side and ran that end back and forth real quick on the lid to my nail polish bin to flatten it out a tiny bit.  Then I dropped a little bit of color on a piece of plastic and dipped the pusher into it to make my dots.  My idea here was to start out thick at the bottom by the cuticle and space it out as I got to the tip.  If you're going to try this, let your dots overlap at the bottom and remember, the more polish you use and the more pressure you use, the bigger the dot.  Lastly, I finished with another coat of Sally Hansen Double Duty.

AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!  No, I know it's not top notch but I liked the way it turned out.  The colors look great together and it's a fun design idea.

Now it's time for me to cuddle up with my blanket and watch Ink Master.  I hate that I just admitted that but it's pretty addicting.  It's on Hulu, you all should check it out.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


A few posts ago I showed you my hair curling technique, not the one with the curling irons but the one with the blow dryer and straightener.  Remember?  Ok, I did it again today and it turned out a bit better and so as promised, here are some pictures to prove it. 

I love this look.  It doesn't take much effort and works for just about any occasion.  And these pictures were taken after I had spent a little time in the rain.  So low maintenance!

Sorry about the short post tonight!  I'm just so consumed with online shopping and watching Magic Mike.  But I did do my nails AND bought a new nail polish in preparations for Manic(ure) Monday.  

Catch ya on the flipside, SUCKERS!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby it's cold outside.

Hello!!!  How has everyone's week been so far?  JK.  I'm not expecting anyone to answer that. I'll tell you how mine has been though!!  First off, I'm borderline sick.  Like I sneeze and cough and feel a bit rundown but its not unbearable and I either want it to go away like, now!  Or go full on swine flu so I can get some sympathy from my husband.  And work is work, shout out to my pharmacy peeps!  But all of that aside, I am in love with coming home and turning on my Christmas lights and heater and just relaxing and taking in the season.  This time of year truly is magical, and I know I said that already but it's the truth. It consumes me in a good way.

Now let's take a few minutes to do what we all came here to do, review. (Look at me now, Dr. Seuss!) Well, maybe more just talking about random stuff than actually reviewing them...

-In the spirit of the season, I will tell you that I found out, just this year, that I hate noble Christmas trees! I'm a Doug Fir fan all the way!!! The needles on the noble feel funny. And look funny. No bueno.

-I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I switched mascara again! This time I went with Maybelline Lash Stiletto. First off, the tube, or whatever you call it, is pretty awesome looking. Second, I love this stuff. I think besides Diorshow it's my absolute favorite so far. The brush is pretty long but it's not hard to manage at all and my lashes always look great. No clumps or excess mascara. I don't curl my eyelashes that often but when I do that and wear this stuff, BAM!!! Magic happens on my eyes.

-I'm now using St. Ives medicated apricot scrub. Sometimes when I start breaking out, I result to taking off an entire layer of skin. Ya know, sometimes you gotta start fresh. This scrub makes it quite pleasant. Not only does it smell great but it leaves my skin feeling super soft afterwards! No excess dryness or anything. And, as an added bonus, if you accidentally get it in your mouth, you'll be happy to know that it doesn't taste to bad either.   Don't judge me, sometimes I get carried away.

-Tazo Iced Black Tea from Starbucks. Sooooo good!! I just hate myself every time I buy it because I can make an equally delicious tea at home. And not pay $2.50 each time I drink some.

-Scentsy fans, holla!!!! Right now I'm in LOVE with the Cranberry Mango but it has unfortunately been discontinued. So, to make my supply last, I have been using Lemons and Berries which smells like the most magical strawberry lemonade you have ever had! I just recently order Apple Press but I'm seriously so forgetful and haven't picked it up yet. Oops.

-My husband was just singing to Danzig. Ha, it's pretty great.

-I'm currently reading The Help.  I'm about halfway through and so far it's a great book!  I heard the movie was pretty good but I'm a big fan of reading the book before I watch the movie.  Like I haven't watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet because I haven't read the book.  But I haven't read the book because I can't get into it.  It's a viscous cycle.

-And lastly, check out my new sweater.

And on that bombshell... It's time to end.

(bonus points if you can tell me which TV show I snagged that from)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Party Hair!

I just turned 24 and in true Amee fashion I had a party.  Now, I won't go in to detail about how we played beer pong and had too much tequila, and you should probably thank me for it.  But I will go in to detail about how I did my hair!!!  How stoked are you?  There's even a video included! 

These are my tools!!  The curling iron is a Conair Instant Heat curling iron.  I think it's a 1 inch barrel but I really can't be sure, and it seriously only cost me like $14.99!!!  I also have it in a smaller size barrel.  For hairspray I use this Aussie Mega.  It's a flexible hold and it works great and smells great!

I start by parting my hair in three sections, two front sections and the back section.  The back is the hardest part for me so I always start with that.  For each curl I use about an inch of hair and always curl away from my face.  In the video below I show you how I do every curl.

(Sorry about the video, this is literally the first time I've done it)

Seems easy enough right?  RIGHT!  Honestly, I'm just now getting comfortable with curling my hair and it doesn't look too bad right?  I know that in the picture below it looks a little prom-ish but as soon as I finish I spray it with some Aussie hairspray and re-do any pieces that look a little loose and leave it alone while I do my makeup and get dressed.

Now here comes the fun part!!!  After I'm dressed and ready and all my curls look perfect for the prom court picture, I shake it out.  I don't get to crazy with it, just give it a little shake and run my fingers through it and this is the finished product!  I'll usually go back through and touch up anywhere that looks a little too loose but I won't use as much hairspray so I'll all blends together.  I really wish I would have gotten a picture of the back of my hair because in that photo it looks super loose but I promise it wasn't!  :) 

So uh, yeah, that's how I curl my hair.  Sometimes.  Sometimes I part it differently or use more or less hairspray.  Ya know, just play around with it.  Have fun with it.  Pin it back if it doesn't turn out exactly how you want it.  Or you could always throw it up in a top knot.  That should hide all your cuss ups.  Don't worry, I've had to pull that one before. 

Last but not least check this out- 12 Days of Saving for HOBY Oregon.  Show them some love.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Manic(ure) Monday

It's Monday again... And the perfect day to announce that I think I'll make every Monday a Manic(ure) Monday!!  I'm going to tell you all now that this requires me actually doing my nails once (or twice) a week and that will be a bit challenging but I'm excited about it!  Now some weeks I'll just do a so-so paint job and show it off and tell you what products I used but then other times I might get a bit fancier and maybe give a little tutorial on how I did it.  Or how Ariel did it...

So let's get down to business.  I've already said it once and I'll say it again, I love Sinful Colors.  It's super cheap and there are tons of colors to choose from.  The solid purple is called Dream On and the glitter is I Miss You.  Dream On dries super fast with a matte finish.  It doesn't look the best if left alone but when you put a top coat on it really pops!  

Sorry today's manicure wasn't more exciting.  My next one will be, I promise!  But now I'm going to relax and enjoy some television and my Christmas lights.

Oh and how cute is my new Starbucks ornament??   Ok.  I'm done, have a good night.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cosmo VoxBox part 2

Let's talk about that VoxBox!!  I've had a few days now to test out the products so I guess it's a good thing I waited to blog about it.  Here's a quick recap of what I got- FriXion by Pilot Pen, Forever Red Eau de Parfume, Giradelli Gourmet Milk Sea Salt Escape, Venus Embrace razor and a Venus & Olay razor cartridge. 

In my VoxBox there were two FriXion pens, one in black and the other is purple.  They write like a gel pen and have a rubber tip on the other end that erases anything you write.  Most of the time pens that advertise they are erasable just end up making a mess.  Not the case with these.  It erases very well!  You can still kind of see the impression the pen made on the paper but that's it really.  I'm so in love with the purple one my mom liked the black so I gave it to her.

The next thing is the Forever Red from Bath and Body Works.  This stuff smells amazing.  It has pomegranate, red osmanthus, and vanilla rum.  I can't get over how much I love this scent.  And everyone that has smelled it loves it too.  A+!!

How good is chocolate?  Quite good right?  And how about if you mix that with sea salt?  I hope I didn't lose you there because the mixture of sweet and salty in Ghiradelli Gourmet Sea Salt Escape is fantastic.  There's also almonds in it but not big chunks.  I'm not an almond in chocolate fan but it wasn't really noticeable, probably because of the salt and chocolate amazingness.

Lastly there was a Venus Embrace Razor with an Embrace cartridge and an Olay cartridge.  The Embrace cartridge is the one I used first and I'm not a fan.  My biggest problem with these razors is that I don't feel like I get a close enough shave.  There is a moisturizing strip around the entire razor that sits higher than the blades by a noticeable amount.  How do you expect that to work out?  I use men's razors, no moisture strip, close shave every time.  I don't know about the Olay cartridge yet but I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that one.  

So there ya have it.  I technically need to tell you all that I received all of these products complimentary for testing purposes from my friends over at Influenster.  

I've got a few posts up my sleeve for this week.  So keep checking back, or ya know, just wait till I post about it on Facebook or Twitter.  And if any of you have a suggestion for a post or a question for me then please leave me a comment!  I'll reply back and/or blog  about it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cosmo VoxBox Part 1

I finally got my Cosmo VoxBox from Influenster!!

But I'm sick.  And I don't feel like blogging much today so I'm just gonna tell you what was in there and call it good.  Tomorrow or Sunday I'll make another blog post with my reviews for each item.

FriXion by Pilot Pens in black and purple

Forever Red Eau de Parfume from Bath and Body Works

Venus Embrace Razor and a Venus & Olay refill cartridge

Ghiradelli Gourmet Milk Sea Salt Escape

I wish I had the energy to do more for you kids but I honestly just sat here and stared at my screen for half an hour because the creativity and the funny just isn't flowing today.  

I'll end with this.  My parents got me these fleece pajama pants for my birthday and they are the ultimate in lounging technology.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hair Tutorial. Kinda.

On Monday I said I was working on a new hair curling technique.  Well, it's really more of a hair wave but you get the idea.  Anyways, it turns out different each time I do it and today's outcome wasn't the best but I took pictures of it anyways.  So, let's get down to business.

1. Start with dry or mostly dry hair. It's ok if hair is still damp at the ends.
2. While keeping your original part on top, section your hair roughly down the middle.
3. You can stop there if your hair is pretty long but I take it one step further and section it one more time.
4. Take the first section and twist it away from your face.  I twist it pretty dang tight.  If your hair is dry, get your hand wet and run it up and down the twist.

5. Blow dry your slightly damp twist.  I blow dry till it is dry to the touch.  Roughly 15-20 seconds.
6. Run your straightener up and down.  I typically give it 5 to 10 passes.  Remember, the more passes you do, the more it curls instead of waves.
7. Now, when you let go it should loosen up but stay in a twist.  If it doesn't, spend more time with your straightener.  (I know, heat is bad.  Blah, blah, blah.)
8. Repeat the process with the other three sections.  Remember to twist away from your face. You can do more or less sections if you want.  Four sections work the best for me.
9. When your done, leave your hair in the twist like the picture below for as long as possible.  I'll leave it like this while I do my makeup and finish getting ready.  I'll randomly grab a section and re-twist it but for the most part I let it stay like this as long as possible
10. Shake it out.  Run your fingers through it.  Enjoy the magic.  

The last picture was taken roughly 13 hours after I did my hair and it's not much flatter then when I had started.  It tends to hold up quite well.  

So that's it.  Simple enough.  It doesn't take a lot of skill or time really.  I mean, the more time you spend on it the more curls you'll get but I did mine in about 10-15 minutes and it turned out ok.  Maybe if I do it again soon and it turns out better I'll post a picture.

Oh, before I forget, I drank a Venti Dark Roast with no cream. I'll probably do it again. It wasn't nearly as terrible as I feared it would be.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cotton headed ninny muggins.

I really wanted to do a blog post tonight but I don't have anything new to review so here's a post dedicated to December.

December is my absolute favorite month. So many family birthdays, including my own, the holidays, the lights, the joy and cheer. I feel like a Halmark Card. But in all seriousness, I'm pretty sure December is truly the most magical time of the year. Haha, annnnnd now I'm singing.

Right now I'm laying in bed watching Elf and looking up fun things about this most wonderful time of the year. Did you know that December is Hi Neighbor Month? Hellllloooooo Neighbors! Actually, I dislike my neighbors. And it's also Read a New Book Month. It's a sign that I really need to finish The Help and start The Great Gatsby. Here's some fun dates to remember:
December 6- My Birthday, National Gazpacho Day (What?!) and Mitten Tree Day.
December 8- Take it in the Ear Day. Uhhhhhh... I'm getting some of this from the Apartment Newsletter...
December 10- Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales Day. Sounds fantastic!
December 13- Ice Cream and Violins Day. Like together. Ice cream and violins. Ok I'm down.
December 16- Chocolate Covered Anything Day. All right, alllll right.
December 21- National Flashlight Day.
December 26- National Whiners Day
December 30- Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute. Where do they host these things?

My apartment newsletter has something down for everyday this month but I didn't want to bore you more than I already have.

Here's some more fun facts- "On Christmas Eve all animals can speak". However, it is bad luck to test this superstition. The birthstones of December are turquoise, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, and zircon (and depending on the website so is onyx, ruby, and chrysoprase.) Then in 2002 tanzanite was added as a Modern Birthstone. The Sagittarius gem is the amethyst. And the December flower is the narcissus. Ok, how do you feel now? You, my friend, are now a semi-pro at worthless December facts!!!

I'm almost done here but I need to ask, who here watched the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight? So amazing right? My biggest complaint (besides the entire time Justin Bieber was on) is that Rihanna should have been wearing DIAMONDS, not pearls, during her first set. I mean, it would only make sense right? The song goes "Shine bright like a diamond". Not like a pearl, that doesn't even make sense.

“How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss

Monday, December 3, 2012

Manic(ure) Monday

Monday is almost over!!!  [Insert collective sigh of relief here] And what a Monday it was.  I swear, this is the worst day of the week to work in a pharmacy.  But this blog is my escape from the daily grind so I'll end my work rant now.

I did my nails finally!  It's been probably 2 weeks and with how hard I am on my nails that is like a week and a half too long!  I have about 20 different nail polishes and every time I go to paint my nails I get so overwhelmed at the possibilities.  But then I think "HA! Like I can do anything other than a simple polish anyways!"  Luckily for me Ariel came over tonight to catch up on some of our shows (Glee, Gossip Girl, Nashville, etc)  so I had a helping hand in tonight's manicure.  
Cute right?!  We decided to try a confetti theme since my birthday is coming up.  I figured it felt right for the occasion!  I took one of those wooden cuticle pushers and flatened out the pointy end by just rubbing it back and forth real fast on the lid to my nail polish case.  (Super technical stuff right there.)  That process made it into a small circle and she just dipped it in to each color then dabbed it on.  My one suggestion is to be sure to start with the dark colors and work your way to the lighter ones.  The order we used was purple, blue, pink, yellow.  Do multiple dots of each and don't be afraid to let them overlap.  The size of the dot varies based on how much polish you have on your stick and/or how hard you push down.  And, if you need to know every little detail like most of those internet freaks, the polish we used was all made by Sinful Colors besides the pink which is Sally Hansen Kook-a-mango.  The Sinful brand is my favorite!  We sell it at Walgreens for $1.99 and there are SO many colors!  I'm pretty sure they put out a new line of colors every other week too so it's always fresh and on trend.  The Sally Hansen is amazing too but it's one of those dreaded expensive ones.  $7.99 at Walgreens.  Eek!  Lucky for me, we recently clearanced out ALL of our Sally Hansen Complete Manicure line in order to make room for new colors and I bought this one plus a few other colors for like $1.69.  Such a steal!!!  Look at me being all frugal and stuff.  Haha.

Ariel's nails turned out super cute too, I wish I would have gotten a picture.  She painted all but the ring finger on each hand purple and the ring finger was painted pink.  She then topped the pink with a glitter top coat.  When I'm alone the two tone paint job is my fall back.

Now let's talk makeup brushes!!!  I had a question on the last blog post wondering what eye shadow brush I use.  Instead of answering that question I decided to do one better.  I'm going to tell you all about each of the brushes I use.  I can't guarantee that I'm using these brushes correctly but it works out for me!  And to answer your burning question, these are all Ecotools Brushes.

Left to right:
-Eye shadow brush.  This is the one I use on a daily basis for super simple all over coverage.  I tend to stay away from using this to apply colors though.  If I'm applying brighter colors or black and want a more vivid precise look I'll use just the regular old eye shadow applicator that usually comes with the eye shadow itself then I use my brush to blend it out and soften it up.  One tip I have is no matter if your using a brush or an applicator blow on it right before you apply it.  It takes off excess color so you don't end up with it everywhere.
-Angled brush.  I don't know if that's the technical name or not.  I mostly use this for a liner.  Typically I get it wet then dip it in my eye shadow (usually black but sometimes purple or a raisiny purple brown color) and run it across the top lash line.  The water makes whatever color you use a lot more vivid and easier to apply.  Sometimes I use this brush to apply color to the crease when I'm doing a smokey eye.  But then I wipe it off because I haven't mastered applying shadow to the crease or the smokey eye.
-Overall powder brush.  The name says it all.  
-Concealer brush.  I don't use this much.  I actually used this for a LONG time as my eye shadow brush and couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting a soft blended look.  Meh, sometimes I still use it for eye shadow.
-Foundation brush.  I use this to apply and blend my liquid foundation.  Nothing fancy about that. But it kind of hurts to use it.  All of these brushes are very soft but there's something about the way the bristles(?) are cut and sometimes certain strokes kinda stab in to my face.  Oh well.  Pain is beauty right?  Hahahaha no.  I usually call it quits when that happens.

Always remember to blend, blend, blend.  And then clean your brushes regularly!  I don't know if I'm doing it right but I'll usually just wash them with my bath and body works antibacterial hand wash.  It seems to do the trick.

Now I need to go watch Vampire Diaries.  Vampire Diaries trumps blogging any day.  =]

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Funday?

...More like Sunday Doomsday.  Sunday is my 2nd least favorite day of the week.  Monday, of course, is the first.  I dislike it so much because it means my weekend is over.  Donzo.  Finished.  Gone.  Hasta la vista weekend.  

On Saturday I made a trip up to Eugene to visit with one of my best friends and while I was up there I made a stop at Victoria's Secret.  I am IN LOVE with that store.  And while this Santa Clause was up there picking out a couple gifts, she picked out a little something(s) for herself too.  Don't judge me, it's an early birthday gift to myself.

Isn't this gift set amazing?  It's the Dream Angels Heavenly fragrance and makeup set.  This is how Victoria's Secret describes the Heavenly scent- "Luminous and sensual, Dream Angels Heavenly glows in luxurious warmth.  White musk, sandalwood, vanilla, and white peony"  Now I'm not a fan of musk, at all, but I think the vanilla trumps that and honestly feels just warm.  I would definitely recommend this to just about everybody.  Even dudes.  :)  Go ahead Cam.

Oh and just look at that makeup kit!  A while back I bought one of their larger makeup kits and all of these colors plus a few more things were included but this is the perfect size to keep in my purse and I'm kinda stoked on that.  My only problem with the entire gift set is that the kit is just about [thismuch] too big for the makeup bag.  Who does that?!?!  I mean, you can get it in there and zipped but if you want anything else in there then you're screwed.  So for now I'll let the kit roam my purse freely while I use the bag for my extensive lip gloss collection goo hoarding.  They were having an amazing buy 2 get 1 free deal so the last thing I picked up for myself was a VS Limited Edition Bombshell Gloss and Go keychain.  The gloss looks nice but feels a little sticky so I wouldn't suggest buying one for the gloss alone (and at $30 a piece I definitely hope you don't).  But all in all I the keychain is well made and would make a cute stocking stuffer.  Both of these things plus a lot more awesome gift sets can be found on their website.

On the agenda for this week: 
-I HAVE to paint my nails, badly, and I was thinking of doing a little show and tell. 
-I've been working on perfecting (haha, yeah right) a new technique that gives my hair nice waves.  It turns out different every time for me but if I have a good enough hair day that I can take pictures of I'll give you all a quick step-by-step.
-Venti Dark Roast with no cream from Starbucks.
-It's my birthday and I'll blog if I want to.  (December 6th, mark your calendars.)
-Anything else I can think of, because that's kind of the idea with this whole blog.
-OH!  Also, I should be receiving my Cosmo Voxbox from Influenster ( this week!!!!  I have absolutely no clue as to what is in it but I'll be sure to share it with the world as soon as I bust it open.  

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  I'm going to go curl in the fetal position and mourn the loss of my good friend, Saturday.  JK!!  I'm going spend the next 4 hours playing The Sims.  

Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Friday!!!

I'm writing you from the backseat of my parents van tonight because we are on our way to my Aunt Laurie's house to a surprise birthday get together. SURPRISE!!!!

Tonight's post will be a little less substantial than previous posts but I'm going to Eugene tomorrow to visit my lovely Bri and I plan on picking up a few things at Victoria's Secret :) :) :)

On to my reviews of the universe-
I got a variety pack of Malibu Rums a couple weeks ago. The flavors included were- Original, Mango Malibu, Cranberry, Lime, and Pineapple. While getting ready to go to my Aunt's I mixed myself up a drink of Simply Orange and the Mango Malibu. It gets 84,367 stars! So good!

And since we are already talking about booze, Monarch Tequila is the way to go. I pay $9.45 for a fifth at my local liquor store so it has the cheap factor. It's tequila so it has the drunk factor. And it is very tolerable so it has the drinkable factor. But none of that really matters because I'm too cheap for anything else.

Moving on. Who here has seen the latest masterpiece from Wes Anderson titled Moonrise Kingdom? Beki (Cuss ya later) so graciously let me borrow all her Wes Anderson movies to improve on my hipster street cred. This movie is an awkward (aren't they all) story about a young boy and girl, they meet, write letters to each other, decide to run away together, and fall in love. Awwwwee!! NOPE! There is this scene where they are dancing on the beach. The girl is in her underwear and training bra and the boy isn't wearing pants and they kiss. The dialogue here is what sends this movie in to a whole different realm of awkwardness. I'll let you all watch it to find out what happens next.

My last tidbit is a quick "look of the night" type thing.

Tonight's look is brought to you by NYC BLACK eyeliner, Maybelline Great Lash, Maybelline Eyeshadow (the glittery black in the middle) L'Oreal Hip Eyeshadow (that awesome tan shimmer), E.L.F pressed powder, E.L.F. Blush stick, and Revlon ColorRich Lip Butter in Peach Parfait. I've already kind of talked about everything in that list besides the Revlon Lip Butter. That stuff is purely magical! It has the feeling of a nice lip butter with the color of a lip stick. I also have it in Creme Brûlée. I would definitely recommend both shades plus any other shade you think you could rock.

Ok. That's it. Have an awesome Friday night!! I love you.

Hahaha JK.
