Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby it's cold outside.

Hello!!!  How has everyone's week been so far?  JK.  I'm not expecting anyone to answer that. I'll tell you how mine has been though!!  First off, I'm borderline sick.  Like I sneeze and cough and feel a bit rundown but its not unbearable and I either want it to go away like, now!  Or go full on swine flu so I can get some sympathy from my husband.  And work is work, shout out to my pharmacy peeps!  But all of that aside, I am in love with coming home and turning on my Christmas lights and heater and just relaxing and taking in the season.  This time of year truly is magical, and I know I said that already but it's the truth. It consumes me in a good way.

Now let's take a few minutes to do what we all came here to do, review. (Look at me now, Dr. Seuss!) Well, maybe more just talking about random stuff than actually reviewing them...

-In the spirit of the season, I will tell you that I found out, just this year, that I hate noble Christmas trees! I'm a Doug Fir fan all the way!!! The needles on the noble feel funny. And look funny. No bueno.

-I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I switched mascara again! This time I went with Maybelline Lash Stiletto. First off, the tube, or whatever you call it, is pretty awesome looking. Second, I love this stuff. I think besides Diorshow it's my absolute favorite so far. The brush is pretty long but it's not hard to manage at all and my lashes always look great. No clumps or excess mascara. I don't curl my eyelashes that often but when I do that and wear this stuff, BAM!!! Magic happens on my eyes.

-I'm now using St. Ives medicated apricot scrub. Sometimes when I start breaking out, I result to taking off an entire layer of skin. Ya know, sometimes you gotta start fresh. This scrub makes it quite pleasant. Not only does it smell great but it leaves my skin feeling super soft afterwards! No excess dryness or anything. And, as an added bonus, if you accidentally get it in your mouth, you'll be happy to know that it doesn't taste to bad either.   Don't judge me, sometimes I get carried away.

-Tazo Iced Black Tea from Starbucks. Sooooo good!! I just hate myself every time I buy it because I can make an equally delicious tea at home. And not pay $2.50 each time I drink some.

-Scentsy fans, holla!!!! Right now I'm in LOVE with the Cranberry Mango but it has unfortunately been discontinued. So, to make my supply last, I have been using Lemons and Berries which smells like the most magical strawberry lemonade you have ever had! I just recently order Apple Press but I'm seriously so forgetful and haven't picked it up yet. Oops.

-My husband was just singing to Danzig. Ha, it's pretty great.

-I'm currently reading The Help.  I'm about halfway through and so far it's a great book!  I heard the movie was pretty good but I'm a big fan of reading the book before I watch the movie.  Like I haven't watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet because I haven't read the book.  But I haven't read the book because I can't get into it.  It's a viscous cycle.

-And lastly, check out my new sweater.

And on that bombshell... It's time to end.

(bonus points if you can tell me which TV show I snagged that from)

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