Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

January 1st is the perfect day for resolutions.  I know it's cliche but it makes me feel like its a fresh start.  It's the very first day of a very new year.  I feel like my slate has been wiped clean, I've closed the book on 2012 and opened up a new one titled 2013.  The pages are blank right now but everyday a little bit more is written in there.  Annnnd now it sounds like I'm writing a high scool graduation speech.  Okay, let's talk about those resolutions now!

Here are mine:
-Move out of the apartments
-Get a dog
-Take a class for yoga or Pilates or Zumba or kickboxing
-Save up a few Benjamin's for a Mini Cooper
-Moisturize more often.
-Keep up with my diet.  I'm down 30 pounds so far but I want to lose 50-60 more.
-Be more badass
-Buy a pair of Ray Bans
-Buy a Coach bag
-Play a game of Monopoly all the way to the end

And here are some resolutions that some of my friends came up with:
-Ariel says she'd like to eat more unhealthy food and exercise less (yes, you read that right)
-Cam wants to lose 30 pounds by next week
-Aunt Laurie, more realistically, wants to lose 30 pounds by August
-Tug and Beki just want to live until 2014
-This isn't official but we think Wendy probably wants to lay off the White Russians

Whether or not you make resolutions, I hope 2013 is all you hope or wish for.  And to those of you who did make resolutions, I wish you the best of luck.  I plan on keeping you all updated if/when I cross something off on my list.

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