Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why not Wednesday.

I'm skipping Wine-Not for this week because I want to have a REALLY good post for you.  I may get it up later this week or I might just wait for next Wednesday.  I do have a little something for you though.

Right after I put up my recent favorites, someone had told me there's a way to fix my broken Cargo blush!  I had actually heard about this before but forgot about it so- Thank you, Rachelle!!  
(This original picture comes from

So the idea seemed super simple but man, I was so nervous!  I mean, this seems so much more destructive.  What if it didn't work out and I just made it worse?  I mean, before I could at least use it as an eye shadow (which worked out great btw.)  After a little hemming and hawing, I decided to go for it.  

I let it sit overnight and it's still a bit soft but definitely usable!  I made the mistake of putting the lid back on so I don't think it dried as best as it could have.  I'm going to leave the lid off tonight and check again in the morning.  If it dries out more then I can continue to use it the way you'd normally use blush.  If not, then it's still going to work but it'll be a more of a cream blush.  

((Speaking of cream blush, I finally got my Ipsy in the mail!!  I'll film the video for it tomorrow and try to get it uploaded right away.))

Have any of you done this to you're broken makeup?  If so, did it work and do you have any tips or tricks on how I can do this differently?

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