Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wine Not Wednesday

Welcome back to the hottest Wednesday night blog post on the interwebs!!  I have a confession to make-  I haven't tasted this weeks wine yet.  Like, I have it poured in to the glass and it's sitting right here beside the keyboard but I have not even had a sip yet.  I was thinking of filming like a "First Impressions" video and uploading it to YouTube but ain't nobody got time for dat.  [5 minutes later...] SO I MADE A VINE!!!!  ENJOY!!!

This is the Shiraz by Yellow Tail and I'm not sure about it.  I think I like it, it's alright for a red.  I've said it before and I'll say it again (just don't tell my Aunt Becky ;-) )  I'm more of a fan of white wine then red wine.  Unless its Dolcetto.  I love Dolcetto.  Anyways, I'm getting side tracked so back to the Shiraz.  I'm pretty positive that this is the first time I've had Shiraz and I don't know a thing about it so I did some searching on the internets to educate myself.  

Shiraz is a (I guess) dry, heavy wine.  I know that sounds terrible but it's not so bad.  The flavors are supposedly mulberry, spice, and smooth vanilla.  I taste red wine.  (I told you in the beginning I wasn't an expert.)  And the bottle says to "Enjoy: with a good steak or in front of a roaring fire."  Mixing the two would be pretty wonderful but I don't know what a roaring fire has to do with the taste of this wine...

Overall, I'd rate it as sipable.  I'm probably not going to buy it again but if someone has it and is offering me a glass, who am I to say no?  Am I right?!

And on that bombshell, it's time to end.  Goodnight!!!

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