Ok, so don't be angry but I accidentally deleted the picture of this week's wine but I'll still tell you all about it!!! It's from TeSoAria, a local winery and it's their Dolcetto. I know I've said before that I'm not much of a red fan but man, this stuff was good!! My Aunt Beckie introduced me to this wine and I'm happy she did! I was trying to find a decent description of the taste for you but I couldn't find anything that I was truly happy with. A few common words that were popping up were black cherry, vanilla, nutmeg, and almonds. All I know is that it's definitely changed my mind about reds and if you get a chance to try some, do.
I did have a picture of the awesome wine glass I was drinking out of though! My Aunt had a pair of these and I thought they were pretty awesome. They don't work so good for swirling the wine to aerate it though. I also learned about that recently... and it really does change the flavor of the wine!
Bonus picture! Since I deprived you of a picture of the wine bottle, here's a picture of what I'm currently drinking. I'm on a cider kick. Get on my level.
You crack me up!