Thursday, November 29, 2012

Amee reviews some randoms.

So I suppose since this is called "Amee reviews the universe" I should talk about something other than beauty products.  Today's blog post will be all about random things that I have encountered over the last week or so and as always, I'll be brutally honest.

First- I had a venti sugar free vanilla chai tea latte from Starbucks today.  My friend Beki and I always joke that you're not a true Starbucks customer until your order takes AT LEAST 15 seconds to say out loud.  I just about met the criteria!!  Anyways, I am a big fan of vanilla chai's but with my diet I have stayed away from them and all of their high calorie amazingness for at least 2 months.  Today was the day I ended that streak.  I needed some warm goodness and no matter what Cam said, I really don't think I could stomach a Venti Dark Roast with no cream.  But unlike my past Starbucks orders, I decided to go sugar free.  As far as sugar free drinks go it tasted quite good.  My only complaint is the smell.  It had a definite funk to it and I'm not sure I can get over it enough to get one again.   I guess I'll just save the real deal for a cheat day.

Second- Purple opaque tights.  Hit or miss?  I say HIT!!!  I am so in love with these.  I'm just not sure if the black boots work with them or not.  Ariel told me last night that it looks good but she is also my best friend and thus required to lie to me every once in a while.  =]

Third- Who loves fruit smoothies? ME!  Who has time to blend one up in the morning?  Definitely not me.  I found these Dole Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie Shakers at Walmart in their frozen juice aisle and all you do is add juice to the designated fill line and shake for like 30-45 seconds and basically magic happens inside this container because now you have a delicious smoothie!  I've only tried the peach mango one and mixed it with Simply Orange juice but it was probably the most delicious thing I have had in my mouth in weeks.  Besides pizza.  Nothing trumps pizza.

Fourth- Check out please!  That site cracks me up.  Most of my funny pictures that I send to friends or post on Twitter are from that site.  Seriously.  Do you like cat pictures?  The site has it.  The latest internet meme? All of them can be found there.  Babies that look drunk?  Ha, you bet.  So do yourself a favor and check it out.

Fifth- Taco Bell churos are pure sugar.  Don't buy them unless you like pure sugar.

Sixth- My guilty pleasure right now is watching Desperate Housewives on Netlflix.  Currently I'm watching season 2, episode 11.  This show is beyond dramatic and ridiculous but I love it!  How much crazy cuss can happen in one neighborhood?

Seventh- I could probably go a post without talking about her.  But I won't.  Watch the new Jenna Marbles.  I was laughing like a fool today in the break room at work. 

I think that's enough reviewing for now.  I know this blog is practically still in the womb but I'm really loving this and I have so many ideas!  And I really hope the handful of you that are reading this have enjoyed my posts just as much as I have enjoyed writing them.  

In the words of Beki Matteson-
Cuss ya later :)