Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Friday!!!

I'm writing you from the backseat of my parents van tonight because we are on our way to my Aunt Laurie's house to a surprise birthday get together. SURPRISE!!!!

Tonight's post will be a little less substantial than previous posts but I'm going to Eugene tomorrow to visit my lovely Bri and I plan on picking up a few things at Victoria's Secret :) :) :)

On to my reviews of the universe-
I got a variety pack of Malibu Rums a couple weeks ago. The flavors included were- Original, Mango Malibu, Cranberry, Lime, and Pineapple. While getting ready to go to my Aunt's I mixed myself up a drink of Simply Orange and the Mango Malibu. It gets 84,367 stars! So good!

And since we are already talking about booze, Monarch Tequila is the way to go. I pay $9.45 for a fifth at my local liquor store so it has the cheap factor. It's tequila so it has the drunk factor. And it is very tolerable so it has the drinkable factor. But none of that really matters because I'm too cheap for anything else.

Moving on. Who here has seen the latest masterpiece from Wes Anderson titled Moonrise Kingdom? Beki (Cuss ya later) so graciously let me borrow all her Wes Anderson movies to improve on my hipster street cred. This movie is an awkward (aren't they all) story about a young boy and girl, they meet, write letters to each other, decide to run away together, and fall in love. Awwwwee!! NOPE! There is this scene where they are dancing on the beach. The girl is in her underwear and training bra and the boy isn't wearing pants and they kiss. The dialogue here is what sends this movie in to a whole different realm of awkwardness. I'll let you all watch it to find out what happens next.

My last tidbit is a quick "look of the night" type thing.

Tonight's look is brought to you by NYC BLACK eyeliner, Maybelline Great Lash, Maybelline Eyeshadow (the glittery black in the middle) L'Oreal Hip Eyeshadow (that awesome tan shimmer), E.L.F pressed powder, E.L.F. Blush stick, and Revlon ColorRich Lip Butter in Peach Parfait. I've already kind of talked about everything in that list besides the Revlon Lip Butter. That stuff is purely magical! It has the feeling of a nice lip butter with the color of a lip stick. I also have it in Creme Brûlée. I would definitely recommend both shades plus any other shade you think you could rock.

Ok. That's it. Have an awesome Friday night!! I love you.

Hahaha JK.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Amee reviews some randoms.

So I suppose since this is called "Amee reviews the universe" I should talk about something other than beauty products.  Today's blog post will be all about random things that I have encountered over the last week or so and as always, I'll be brutally honest.

First- I had a venti sugar free vanilla chai tea latte from Starbucks today.  My friend Beki and I always joke that you're not a true Starbucks customer until your order takes AT LEAST 15 seconds to say out loud.  I just about met the criteria!!  Anyways, I am a big fan of vanilla chai's but with my diet I have stayed away from them and all of their high calorie amazingness for at least 2 months.  Today was the day I ended that streak.  I needed some warm goodness and no matter what Cam said, I really don't think I could stomach a Venti Dark Roast with no cream.  But unlike my past Starbucks orders, I decided to go sugar free.  As far as sugar free drinks go it tasted quite good.  My only complaint is the smell.  It had a definite funk to it and I'm not sure I can get over it enough to get one again.   I guess I'll just save the real deal for a cheat day.

Second- Purple opaque tights.  Hit or miss?  I say HIT!!!  I am so in love with these.  I'm just not sure if the black boots work with them or not.  Ariel told me last night that it looks good but she is also my best friend and thus required to lie to me every once in a while.  =]

Third- Who loves fruit smoothies? ME!  Who has time to blend one up in the morning?  Definitely not me.  I found these Dole Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie Shakers at Walmart in their frozen juice aisle and all you do is add juice to the designated fill line and shake for like 30-45 seconds and basically magic happens inside this container because now you have a delicious smoothie!  I've only tried the peach mango one and mixed it with Simply Orange juice but it was probably the most delicious thing I have had in my mouth in weeks.  Besides pizza.  Nothing trumps pizza.

Fourth- Check out please!  That site cracks me up.  Most of my funny pictures that I send to friends or post on Twitter are from that site.  Seriously.  Do you like cat pictures?  The site has it.  The latest internet meme? All of them can be found there.  Babies that look drunk?  Ha, you bet.  So do yourself a favor and check it out.

Fifth- Taco Bell churos are pure sugar.  Don't buy them unless you like pure sugar.

Sixth- My guilty pleasure right now is watching Desperate Housewives on Netlflix.  Currently I'm watching season 2, episode 11.  This show is beyond dramatic and ridiculous but I love it!  How much crazy cuss can happen in one neighborhood?

Seventh- I could probably go a post without talking about her.  But I won't.  Watch the new Jenna Marbles.  I was laughing like a fool today in the break room at work. 

I think that's enough reviewing for now.  I know this blog is practically still in the womb but I'm really loving this and I have so many ideas!  And I really hope the handful of you that are reading this have enjoyed my posts just as much as I have enjoyed writing them.  

In the words of Beki Matteson-
Cuss ya later :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3.75 Minute Makeup Routine.

We all have those days.  "Holy Cuss, I have to leave for work in SIX minutes and I still don't have any pants on!" I can't be the only one.  Anyways, this is what I do to make myself presentable to the general public, I'm using that term quite loosely but I won't get in to work stuff...

1- Clean & Clear Face lotion, so important for me this time of year.  This stuff is pretty good too, it has salacylic acid in it to fight off acne and its moisturizing without leaving my skin oily.
2- E.L.F. pressed powder.  This stuff is amazing, it has acne medication in it!  WOOO!  Plus its SUPER cheap. Like $1 at Walmart cheap.
3- Rimmel Stay Matte powder.  I apply this with a big ol' powder brush on areas where I am a little extra shiny.
4- Lip Stuff.  Today's look is brought to you by E.L.F. Lip Stain in Nude Tangerine. What?!
5- EYES! My fave part of this whole routine.  My go-to eyeshadow is this cute L'Oreal HIP eyeshadow.  That tan one you see on the left is super shimmery.  It's cute alone or on top of other colors.
6- I always, ALWAYS, use black eyeliner.  The cheaper the better.  And lately (within the last two weeks) I've gotten pretty decent at applying it to the top lid, how old am I?
7- Last but not least, a quick coat or two of mascara.  I love mascara.  I never buy the same stuff twice in a row.  Right now I'm using the classic Great Lash with the funny looking tear drop brush.  Although I like the mascara itself, the brush takes a little time to get used to it.

And voila!!!  Like I said, presentable.  If I'm meeting up with a friend after work I'll touch up my face with the Rimmel, reline the eyes with the blackest eyeliner I own (the only eyeliner I own), pick out a color for my eyes and blend that in with the shimmer, add another quick coat of mascara, and finish with lip stick.

Witty sign off,

P.S. The new Jenna Marbles video should be up today.  :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The first of SO many hair products reviews

In the words of the great Jenna Marbles, I am a goo hoarder.  The term "goo" refers to just about anything us girls use in our hair, for our face, and on our skin.  I'll post a link to her video, watch it or we're not friends anymore. 

Are you done watching? Ok, on to the rest of my post.

Today I will talk about hair products.  Now, I would take pictures of the cupboard under my sink and my shower to show you all the hair goo I hoard but, let's face it, my bathroom is a MESS.  I have tried a lot of hair sprays, shampoos, and conditioners.  Lately though I have been trying more and more "other" hair goos like argan oil, heat protector spray, leave-in conditioners, and dry shampoo.  Lucky for you, I'll give you my honest to goodness opinion on these things.

Right now my favorite hair products are either made by Dove or John Frieda.  Here's an anecdote for you:  I died my hair reddish-brown a couple years ago then in May of this year I decided to go back to blonde.  Probably the best-worst decision ever.  Have you ever tried to dye your hair blonde after dying it red?  It had to be bleached.  And to some of you this may not be a big deal but I was a bleach virgin until then.  Anyways, I foolishly let my younger sister who was fresh IN (not out of) beauty school bleach my hair in my kitchen with 5 (FIVE!) packets of Sally's Beauty Supply bleach.  As you can probably guess, my hair turned out terribly.  A few days later I went to my friend Brittney who works at Hair Studio 28 and she spent a very long 3ish hours fixing my hair.  The color looked absolutely fantastic.  The condition of my hair?  Not so good.  For the next few months I religiously used Dove Intensive Repair shampoo and conditioner.  I know I should have used something fancy that said "color safe"  or "for color treated hair" but honestly, the Dove shampoo just smelled the best.  By the time I stopped using it (because something new was calling my name) my hair was back to almost tip-top shape.  Or at least as good as it can be for bleached hair that is constantly being blow dried and straightened.  Since then I have tried some good smelling Herbal Essences CRAP (left my hair oily and frizzy no matter what I did) and John Frieda Frizz Ease Smooth Start Repairing shampoo and conditioner and it too smelled fantastic (I'm sensing a pattern).  I had a few problems with the John Frieda.  One, the shampoo was far too runny.  Two, the conditioner was far too thick.  And three,  my hair was pretty frizzy if I just let it be which really didn't happen much so I guess that doesn't count for anything.   For right now I'm back with the Dove but as soon as I run out I'll probably try something new.

Now, lets talk about my other goos.  I have quite a few right now so I'll just tell you about what I use during my daily routine.  First I use John Frieda Frizz Ease leave-in conditioner.  My hair is practically unbrushable without it.  I know some people are worried about leave-in conditioner because they might have naturally oily hair.  Or maybe that's just me.  But let me tell you, that stuff is amazing!  I have no complaints about it.  And I don't think its possible to use too much but please, don't try to prove me wrong.  Second, if I plan to blow dry and straighten my hair I use a John Frieda Heat Protector Spray.  I don't think I have seen a difference with or without it. I don't even know if I'm supposed to be able to physically see the difference but with that being said, I feel better about the abuse I put my hair through when I do use it. Third, I use Dove Nourishing Oil Care anti-frizz serum.  I LOVE this stuff.  LOVE!  It gives my hair a nice, soft, touchable shine and it too smells great. But it is an oil so you really have to be careful about how much you use.  And it's your own dumb fault if you try to prove me wrong on that.  And that's pretty much it.  I use a few other things randomly as they go on sale at work but I'll talk about those at another time.

It's probably a little too soon in the game to be asking my loyal readers what their favorite hair products are but, ya know, if ya wanna... then please be my guest.

Also, to anyone who might be interested in influenster, holla atchya girl.  I'll email you an invite.

<Insert awesome, witty sign off here>

P.S. I'll probably reference Jenna Marbles again, and again.  Get used to it.  Please.

First things first.

I have decided to start a blog.  I'm not positive that I'll stay on topic with this blog or how long I'm going to keep up with it but here it goes.

My first order of business is reviewing just about everything.  But mostly beauty products.   I'm a member of (I'll tell more about that here in a minute) and part of being a member is reviewing products and referring said products to friends, family, co-workers, loyal subjects, evil minions, or anyone else who's willing to listen to me.  When I buy a new product I'll try to post my inner-most thoughts about it for the world to see.  

I'm just going to let you know right now that I do not consider my self to be very good at, well, anything.  I get all my beauty tips from other blogs, youtube videos, friends, and trial and error.  Here's a couple examples that can prove my incompetence: I'm 23 and JUST started using a curling iron.  About a month ago I died my friend's hair for the first time.  I haven't mastered backcombing my hair.  Lip liner? What's that?  Do I need it?  I don't know!!

Another thing I'd like to say is that I have a love/hate relationship with spending money.  I absolutely LOVE to spend little amounts of money on products.  I'd rather buy 7 $2 nail polishes than 2 $7 nail polishes.  I buy all my beauty products from Walmart or Walgreens (employee discount, HOLLA!!), and almost everything I purchase is on sale.  I hate spending money on full price cosmetics.  There has only been 2 times in my life that I've gotten fancy makeup, the first time was when I was 18.   I got a makeup bag full of Lancome cosmetics for opening up a Macy's card, I regretted that idea as soon as I maxed it out.  And the second time was because my brother-in-law had given me some Saks Fifth Ave. gift cards that I used to buy Diorshow Unlimited Mascara (BEST EVER!) and a Garmin GPS.  Now my Macy's card is paid off  =] and the Diorshow has been used up =[.  

And now on to Influenster.  They hit the nail on the head with this definition: 

Influenster [in-floo-uhn-ster]

An exclusive online community where tastemakers and trendsetters (such as yourself) come to share the latest and greatest news, places, products, and reviews with each other. 2. The hotspot you just bookmarked on your web browser that turns your social influence into sweet rewards
Basically, Influenster is a place for culture junkies to come together and share their unique opinions of products and experiences. Active members of Influenster get exclusive access to deals, promotions, and swag from brands that thrive off the input (the good, the bad, and the ugly -- they just want to know what's up).

I took that directly from their website, don't judge me.  Anyways, they just updated their website.  I honestly have no idea what it looked like before because my confirmation email got lost in my junk mail inbox (oops) and it took me pretty much forever to figure out how to get around that.  But one password reset button later I was in.  I really love it.  I love how easy it is to navigate.  I love the way it looks.  I love reading and writing reviews.  I love logging in and seeing my score that is now higher than it was yesterday.  If you are interested, hit me up with your email and I'll get you an invite.  If you're not interested, reread the description and focus on the part that says SWAG.  

So, that's that.  I feel like I've rambled on long enough for one blog post.

(((I feel like I need to come up with a nice sign off like the "Stay classy, San Diego."  But that would be a blatant rip-off of the GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE!  I'll try my best to come up with something for next time.)))