Monday, May 6, 2013

Manic(ure) Monday

Woah, this is coming kind of late!  Sorry, my day's just been a little all over the place!  Also, I apologize for skipping Wine Not Wednesday again.  I just started working out at the YMCA and it felt wrong drinking a glass (bottle) of wine right after but on Saturday the 4th my Aunt Beckie and I were tour guides on the Umpqua Valley Barrel tour and I came home with 8 bottles of wines that I've never talked about on here!  But anyways, we're off topic here, lets get to the nails.

This is Wet n Wild (obviously) in "I Need a Refresh-Mint".  It's pretty similar to the Finger Paints "Tiffany Imposter" that I have but still different so I HAD to have it.

Also, if you follow me on Instagram, which I know most of you do because the large majority of my readers are people I actually know in real life, then you would have saw that I just got SIX new OPI's in the mail last Friday so I have plenty of new material for you!  Man, you're stoked, I can feel it already.

And on that bombshell, it's time to end.  Goodnight!

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