Monday, May 27, 2013

Manic(ure) Monday

Happy Memorial Day!  I'm just now realizing that I should have done a themed manicure for today's post but you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20.  Either way, I hope you'll appreciate this as much as I do.

This is OPI's "Nein, Nein, Nein, Ok Fine!"  This is a really dark grey/black color but sometimes almost looks a tad bit green.  I kind of made a mess with this but it was more of a me problem than a polish problem.

Big shout out to those who have served or are currently serving our country.  Thank you!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

OOPS!!! Birchbox and Ipsy unboxing for APRIL!!!

I just realized that I forgot to upload my APRIL Birchbox and Ipsy unboxing video!  I only remembered because I just received May's Ipsy bag in the mail today.  I guess I'm a bit behind.  I'm sorry!!  Enjoy my video, that sucked the life out of me because all I wanted to do was edit it but failed miserably.  Also, you can see my husbands dirty socks on the ground in the background. But I DGAF.  :)

Here's how I felt about the products-
Catwalk by Tigi: I've only used it once but I wasn't too excited about it.  It's a decent sized sample so I'll give it a few more tries.
W3ll People Nudist Color Balm:  I loved this stuff!  At first I wasn't sure about it but then I realized that it was the only thing keeping my wind chapped lips feeling nice and soft.  Until I ran it through the washer and dryer... ugh.
Yes to Grapefruit products:  The scrub felt nice!  It was pretty gentle which isn't my style but I am a HUGE grapefruit fan so I enjoyed this.  The serum I wasn't too sure about.  I have oily skin and I feel like it didn't help.
Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint:  LOVE!!!  Nice light couverage that felt more like a moisturizer than a foundation.  But I'm not going to spend $38 on it.  :( Sad...
Yes to Cucumber facial towelettes:  I really liked these!  I actually went back to the store to by these but I saw the Yes to Tomatoes towelettes that actually have salacylic acid in it and my skin likes that stuff alot!!!
Big Sexy Hair Powder Play:  This is NOT a dry shampoo.  It kind of acts like one but it is so much better!!!  It really does what it says it does!  Loved it.
Sation nail lacquer:  Loved the color but not the consistency or dry time of the polish.
Be a Bombshell blush:  This is actually a much better looking blush than it seems like it would be.
Mica Beauty:  This eyeshadow is my new shimmer go-to.  I wear it alone or on top of basically ANY color.  It is absolutely gorgeous!

OK kids, there you have it.  I'm sorry I spaced it but this was way more stressful than it needed to be.  I'll make another video for May as soon as my Birchbox shows up.  

Also, sorry if there are any typos.  I wrote those quick reviews as I was listening to the video and happened to do it all in one take but I don't feel like double checking my work tonight.  Goodnight!!!

Wine Not Wednesday

TGIW!  I'm getting pretty bad about blogging decently late.  Tonight I have a good excuse though! My husband and I are watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy!  It's my very first time seeing any of these movies.  Sunday, we watched The Fellowship of the Ring and tonight, we watched The Two Towers.  So far so good.  Can't say I'm doing flips over it but it's something I'll most likely watch again.

I'm off topic now...  So, for tonight's post I'll do a quick blurb about the last wine I drank and then show you some a few pictures from the Umpqua Valley Barrel Tour.

This is Barefoot's Riesling.  (Forgive me if I've talked about this stuff already...)  This stuff is pretty amazing and so easy to enjoy!  Riesling in general is the reason I started to like wine in the first place.  I mean, I had tasted wine before without much luck but one time I had Riesling and I was like "Yep, I think it's time I stop drinking Smirnoff Ice and start sipping on wine."  For the record, I still enjoy Smirnoff Ice once in a while, don't judge me.  But for real, I didn't have much of an interest in wine before I started finding sweet whites.  My tastes have since expanded (uhhh, hellooooo Moscato!! ;) ) but this will always be a fave.  Also, the Barefoot brand is always a good go-to.  If I don't recognize any of the labels and I'm not feeling adventurous, I'll always reach for a Barefoot.

Now on to a few shots from the barrel tour-

Beautiful view at Abacela Vineyards.

One of the "wine cellars" at Chateau Nonchalant.  (Loved this place!  The people there are just amazing.)

 Gorgeous little fountain and pond at Chateau Nonchalant.

Pyrenees (south).  Someone walked right in front of me and I didn't notice til I was posting this picture but this place just seemed so magical!  It would be absolutely PERFECT for a wedding!

The deck at Pyrenees overlooking the river.

My Aunt Beckie and I part way through the tour.

And lastly, my "swag".  I didn't do so bad. (BTW, the shirt isn't THAT inappropriate, it actually says "I found the Giradet spot" which was one of the wineries we went to.)

If anyone is interested in joining in on the fun next year check out the Umpqua Valley Wineries website. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Manic(ure) Monday

Happy Monday, my dear internet friends!  This week I have another OPI color and it is one of my new bottles that I bought from

This cool coral-y pink color is called "I Eat Mainely Lobster".  It has a very slight shimmer to it and it direct sunlight it is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!  I am so in love with this color!  In this picture it kind of looks like "Call Me Gwen-ever" but I promise it isn't that orange.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wine Not Wednesday.

So this is what I'm sippin' on tonight-
Misty Oaks is a local vineyard which is my favorite kind of vineyard.  This stuff is alright.  I typically love white wines but I don't have any strong feelings for this one.  It's good enough to drink though!  

I'm sorry I don't have much more to say about this wine but I do have one more photo to share.
This is my adorable little wine center.  I picked up the rack/table thing at Walgreens for $7.  Also, how cute are those tiny bamboo plants?!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Manic(ure) Monday

Woah, this is coming kind of late!  Sorry, my day's just been a little all over the place!  Also, I apologize for skipping Wine Not Wednesday again.  I just started working out at the YMCA and it felt wrong drinking a glass (bottle) of wine right after but on Saturday the 4th my Aunt Beckie and I were tour guides on the Umpqua Valley Barrel tour and I came home with 8 bottles of wines that I've never talked about on here!  But anyways, we're off topic here, lets get to the nails.

This is Wet n Wild (obviously) in "I Need a Refresh-Mint".  It's pretty similar to the Finger Paints "Tiffany Imposter" that I have but still different so I HAD to have it.

Also, if you follow me on Instagram, which I know most of you do because the large majority of my readers are people I actually know in real life, then you would have saw that I just got SIX new OPI's in the mail last Friday so I have plenty of new material for you!  Man, you're stoked, I can feel it already.

And on that bombshell, it's time to end.  Goodnight!